It’s always an incredible feeling when a photographer calls and needs photos. It also scares the shit out of me! I don’t know why-they call for a reason right? I think it’s because I feel like they know what I should be doing and if the photos don’t end up being amazing, I’d feel some kind of fraud. Good thing they always turn out great.
One of the reasons I can say that is because of Lindsay. We have a really great thing going. One of us will always start out being in charge of the session. Throughout the session, often, the person in charge will come to a point where she isn’t feeling like things are working and will need help, inspiration really. That’s when the other person comes in and takes over with her ideas. The photos end up being a combination of the best parts of both of us.
Big thanks to photographer Michelle Drewes for calling us to photograph her family 🙂
Lindsay and Michelle with baby Broderick
Some of my favorite photos end up being ones I take of Lindsay or the ones she takes of me while we’re working. It could be because I love her so much, but I think it’s also because you can see how much we love our clients and the interaction between all of us it a huge part of why our photos turn out so great!