Artistry & Inspiration

lumi Photography

Artistry & Inspiration

lumi photography


Favorites from yesterday


We got to photograph these cuties about two years ago and were so excited to get to do it again on Friday. Mom’s request was to get some of the cherry blossoms in the family shots and I think they turned out pretty good. I was using my 85mm 1.2 lens until Lindsay said, “You might be able to get those cherry blossoms better if you use the 70-200mm.” I don’t know why it worked, but it totally did. If anyone out there is curious as to why, you can email Lindsay 😉

We were really excited to shoot in their house too-they painted and yellow is one of my FAVORITE now colors. Getting spots of terquise and red in there didn’t hurt either. These two were crazy for angry birds and when Lindsay would make the little fat stuffed animals pretend to kiss and lick my cheek, they would bust up laughing. She’s a genius that one!

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Artistry & Inspiration

lumi photography

(916) 396-0338
