My mom and dad are thinking of moving to Utah. Dad got offered a really cool job where he won’t have to be on call 24/7, so that’s awesome, but I don’t want them to go! Mom and Dad have been in this house where I grew up for almost 34 years. It’s really hard for me to think about going “home” to visit and having it not be “home”. There are bigger things in this world to cry about, but I did want to make sure and get some photos of Mom and Dad at the house just in case they have to leave.
Photo taken when Mom and Dad first bought our house in 1979.
I was three years old when we moved into this house. We had weeds instead of grass and one mangy little tree was in the front yard. I remember three almond trees on the side of the house. Mom hated those trees. They killed the grass and dropped almonds every year that were a bitch to clean up. She finally tore them out and over the years, created a little slice of heaven. Mom and Dad have worked so hard on this house, and now that I’m an adult, in my own place, I can finally appreciate it!
Mom and Dad on the front porch in 1979.
How cute is this photo?! It’s one of my favorites. I remember the concrete porch-no railings meant we could jump off any edge during water fights 😉 Some unfortunate guests ended up falling off of it too. That shouldn’t make me giggle, but it does! Weve got photos of Jed and me (brother), and of Sidney and Gillian (sisters) on this porch too. Makes me want to start photographing Lindsay and me on our porches from here on out.